Women Absolutely Need Love. Men Absolutely Need Respect. Its as Simple and as Complicated as That...
This is a very beautiful and good quality gift book. Hard cover, 155 pages. It is not very wordly. So you can read through all pages very fast. Main points are being highlighted. Good for those people who don't have much time to read. Based on over three decades of counseling, and scientific and biblical research, the author of this book Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, shows couples how to have a happier and more fulfilling marriage. It stresses a lots on respect and love. You can see it keep on popping up very often, to keep on reminding the important of love and respect to women and men. However I think, more examples on how a man shows his love to his wife, and how a woman shows her respect to her husband would be better. As we all know, man and woman does not see things and feel it the same way, the wife may think she's respecting the husband but the husband may not feel the same and vice versa. Thus more examples will be great.
Here I would like to share some of the quotes available in the book: -
1. Women look at the world through pink glasses, while men look at that same world through the blue glasses. They do not necessarily see the same thing.
2. It is crucial for husband and wife to see that neither one is wrong but that both of them are very different - in boldy function, outlook and perspective.
3. When a husband asks his wife to forgive him, he is giving her a gift of love.
4. When a women asks "Do you love me?" She is not trying to put her husband on the spot. She is simply looking reassurance.
5. Marital researches agree that a huge percentage of communication problems between husband and wife are due not to what is said but to how it is said - the attitude and tone of voice.
I will rate this book 3 out of 5.
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.